Hair Losss

Medical Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common concern that affects millions of people worldwide. While it is normal to shed some hair daily, excessive hair loss can be distressing and may signify an underlying medical condition. In this blog, we will explore the various medical causes of hair loss, shedding light on the potential triggers and ways to address them effectively.

Androgenetic Alopecia (Male and Female Pattern Baldness)

Androgenetic alopecia, also known as male and female pattern baldness, is one of the most prevalent causes of hair loss. It is typically characterised by a receding hairline in men and diffuse thinning in women. Genetics, hormonal imbalances, and age play significant roles in its development. While androgenetic alopecia is more common in older individuals, it can affect people of all ages. Treatment options include medications like minoxidil and finasteride, as well as hair transplant procedures.

hair loss treatment

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the hair follicles, leading to patchy hair loss. The condition can occur at any age and may result in complete baldness in extreme cases. Alopecia areata is often accompanied by itching or tingling in the affected areas. Although there is no cure, various treatment options such as corticosteroid injections, topical immunotherapy, and minoxidil can help stimulate hair regrowth.

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium is a temporary form of hair loss that occurs due to significant physiological or emotional stress. It can be triggered by factors such as pregnancy, childbirth, surgery, severe illness, or psychological stress. Telogen effluvium causes an increased number of hair follicles to enter the resting phase, resulting in excessive shedding. Fortunately, hair usually regrows spontaneously once the underlying cause is addressed or resolved.

Thyroid Disorders

Thyroid disorders, including hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), can disrupt the normal hair growth cycle. In hypothyroidism, hair may become brittle, dry, and prone to breakage, while hyperthyroidism can lead to excessive hair shedding. Managing the thyroid condition through medication and maintaining hormone balance often helps restore hair growth.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Adequate nutrition is crucial for healthy hair growth. Deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals, such as iron, zinc, biotin, and vitamin D, can contribute to hair loss. Iron deficiency anaemia, in particular, is associated with hair thinning and increased shedding. A balanced diet, incorporating foods rich in essential nutrients, along with targeted supplementation, can help address these deficiencies and promote hair regrowth.

Scalp Infection

Certain scalp infections, such as ringworm (tinea capitis), can cause hair loss. Ringworm is a fungal infection that affects the scalp, resulting in itchy, scaly patches and patchy hair loss. Prompt medical intervention, usually with antifungal medications, is necessary to eradicate the infection and allow hair to regrow.

medical causes for hair loss

Medications and Treatments

Some medications and treatments can have hair loss as a side effect. Chemotherapy drugs, certain antidepressants, blood thinners, and acne medications are known to cause temporary hair loss. Radiation therapy can also result in hair loss in the treated area. In most cases, hair growth resumes after discontinuing the medication or completing the treatment course.

Autoimmune Diseases

Several autoimmune diseases, such as lupus and dermatomyositis, can lead to hair loss. These conditions cause the immune system to attack healthy tissues, including hair follicles. Treating the underlying autoimmune disease with medication and managing its symptoms can help minimise hair loss.

Get Hair Loss Treatment Online

Hair loss can be caused by a variety of medical conditions, and understanding the underlying factors is crucial for effective treatment. Whether it’s androgenetic alopecia, autoimmune disorders, nutritional deficiencies, or medications, identifying the cause of hair loss is the first step toward finding appropriate solutions. Consulting with one of our online doctors is essential for accurate diagnosis and personalised treatment plans. Remember, early intervention and proper care can often halt or reverse hair loss, leading to healthier, fuller hair in the long run. Contact our team today to find out more or order your treatment online.

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This blog was written on behalf of Halo Health by Pharmacy Mentor.

Hair Losss Mens Health

Men’s Health Week 2023: Hair Loss Treatment for Men

Men’s Health Week is an important annual event that aims to raise awareness about the health issues affecting men and encourage them to take proactive steps towards a healthier lifestyle. In 2023, one of the key areas of focus is men’s hair loss, a condition that affects millions of men worldwide. This blog will shed light on the causes of hair loss and explore the hair loss treatment for men that are available from Halo Health, a trusted online pharmacy and provider of innovative solutions for men’s health.

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Understanding Hair Loss in Men

Hair loss, also known as male pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia, is a common condition that affects a significant number of men as they age. It is characterised by a gradual thinning of the hair, typically starting at the hairline and crown of the head. While genetics play a significant role in hair loss, other factors such as hormonal imbalances, stress, poor nutrition, and certain medical conditions can also contribute to the problem.

hair loss treatments men

Recognising the Impact of Hair Loss

Hair loss can have a profound impact on a man’s self-esteem and confidence. Many men feel self-conscious about their appearance and may experience feelings of embarrassment or even depression. It is crucial to address these emotional aspects of hair loss alongside the physical symptoms.

Halo Health: A Reliable Solution

Halo Health is a reputable and trusted online pharmacy that specialises in men’s health products and services. With a commitment to providing effective solutions for hair loss, we offer a range of treatments designed to combat male pattern baldness and promote hair regrowth. Advancements in medical science have led to the development of effective treatments and one such breakthrough medication is finasteride.

Understanding Finasteride

Finasteride is an approved medication primarily used to treat male pattern baldness, a common form of hair loss in men. It belongs to a class of drugs known as 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors. Finasteride works by blocking the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that plays a key role in hair loss.

hair loss treatment men

Mechanism of Action

Male pattern baldness is characterised by a gradual thinning of the hair follicles, mainly in the front and top of the scalp. DHT is believed to be a major contributor to this process. By inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to DHT, finasteride helps reduce the levels of DHT in the scalp, slowing down hair follicle shrinkage and promoting hair regrowth.

Benefits of Finasteride

Hair Regrowth: Clinical studies have shown that finasteride can stimulate hair regrowth in men experiencing male pattern baldness. It has been found to be most effective in the early stages of hair loss.

Slows Hair Loss Progression: Finasteride not only promotes hair regrowth but also helps slow down the progression of hair loss. By inhibiting DHT, it can help preserve existing hair and prevent further thinning.

Convenient and Non-Invasive: Finasteride is available in oral tablet form, making it a convenient and non-invasive treatment option for men experiencing hair loss. It can be easily incorporated into a daily routine.

Considerations and Side Effects

While finasteride is generally well-tolerated, it is important to be aware of potential side effects and consider them before use. Some of the common side effects associated with finasteride may include:

Sexual Side Effects: A small percentage of men may experience sexual side effects such as decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, or changes in ejaculation. However, these side effects are typically rare and reversible upon discontinuation of the medication.

Breast Tenderness or Enlargement: In rare cases, finasteride may cause breast tenderness or enlargement. If any such symptoms occur, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional.

Pregnancy Considerations: Finasteride should not be handled or taken by women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. It can be absorbed through the skin and potentially harm a developing fetus.

It is essential to consult with a pharmacist or have an online consultation before starting hair loss treatment.

Halo Health stands as a reliable partner in men’s health, offering a range of innovative solutions for hair loss. From prescription medications to hair care products and advanced devices, Halo Pharmacy aims to provide effective treatments while ensuring personalised care and guidance.

Remember, addressing hair loss is not just about restoring hair; it is about reclaiming confidence, self-esteem, and overall well-being. If you or someone you know is struggling with hair loss or you are looking for hair loss treatment for men, please reach out to Halo Health and take a step towards a healthier and more confident future.

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This blog was written on behalf of Halo Health by Pharmacy Mentor.

Hair Losss

Stress and Hair Loss

We get asked during our consultations, “Does stress cause hair loss?” nearly every single time when prescribing medication for it. Therefore, we decided to answer this question for you as best as we can, and as part of National Stress Awareness Month 2023. 

Stress Hair Loss

Can stress lead to hair loss? The simple answer is yes, it can. But it’s complicated. Stress can trigger or exacerbate three types of hair loss: telogen effluvium, alopecia areata, and trichotillomania. While stress-induced hair loss is often temporary, it is essential to consult a doctor (or us) if it concerns you. Hair loss can be distressing and worrisome, regardless of age or gender, especially when the cause is unknown.

This article will explore how stress can cause hair loss, its symptoms, and potential treatment options.

Why does stress lead to hair loss?

Stress is commonly considered a psychological issue, but it can also impact your body. Chronic stress can result in an excess of stress hormones circulating throughout the body, negatively affecting it and potentially causing hair loss.

What are the typical symptoms?

The symptoms of stress-induced hair loss vary depending on the individual and the type of hair loss experienced. Let’s examine the different types of hair loss caused by stress.

Types of stress-induced hair loss

1. Telogen effluvium

Telogen effluvium, the most common type of hair loss caused by stress, occurs when more hairs move from the active growth phase (anagen) to the resting phase (telogen). This leads to an increased amount of hair loss than usual. Stressful experiences can shorten the anagen phase and push more hairs into the telogen phase, making stress a known trigger for this type of hair loss.

2. Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata, another type of hair loss triggered by stress, is believed to be related to the immune system. This condition causes small, coin-sized bald patches across the scalp, face, and body. Stress is considered a trigger that can initiate the symptoms of alopecia areata. One theory suggests that stress hormones affect the immune system, causing immune cells to target hair follicles.

3. Trichotillomania

Trichotillomania, the compulsive urge to pull out one’s hair, can be influenced by stress in some individuals.

Can hair grow back after it is lost?

can stress cause hair loss

In most cases, this type of hair loss is temporary. Telogen effluvium typically resolves within six to nine months, while mild alopecia areata may also experience regrowth.

Treatments for stress-related hair loss

Various treatments are available if hair does not regrow fully or at all.

Minoxidil (Regaine) is a topical treatment applied directly to the scalp to address thinning caused by telogen effluvium.

A range of treatments are available for alopecia areata, including steroid creams, lotions, tablets, injections, dithranol, and immunotherapy.

Psychological therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), is considered the most effective treatment for trichotillomania, which is often related to anxiety or obsessive-compulsive behaviour.

Helping you manage Stress

To reduce stress-related hair loss, consider the following management tips:

Identify stressors in your life and act on them
Take control of stressful situations
Exercising regularly greatly reduces stress hormones
Connect with friends, family, and colleagues – regain social connections
Reduce alcohol, smoking, and caffeine consumption
Maintain a healthy, balanced diet

Male Pattern Baldness

The most common cause of hair loss in men and women is androgenetic alopecia, known as male pattern baldness in men and female pattern baldness in women. This type of hair loss affects approximately 50% of men over 50 and 40% of women over 50.

Therefore, you mustn’t confuse genetic hair loss with the stress-induced type, as hair loss is such a common, natural and normal, condition.

We are able to prescribe a treatment for this type of hair loss. Following a consultation online, you’ll be able to select your preferred medicine and our prescribers will assess whether the treatment will be suitable for you.

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This blog post was written on behalf of Halo Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.

Hair Losss

hair loss treatment in solihull

Alopecia, another name for hair loss, is a common disorder that can affect both men and women. Losing your hair is not typically a cause for concern, but it can be upsetting. Therefore, some forms of hair loss may need treatment. Continue reading to discover our expert advice on hair loss, including common causes and effective solutions. Our Solihull-based pharmacy offers Finasteride to help combat hair loss and promote hair growth, so you can enjoy a fuller, healthier head of hair.

What are the main causes of hair loss?


The most frequent cause of hair loss is hereditary alopecia, also known as androgenetic alopecia. It is a hereditary disorder that often manifests in a person’s 20s or 30s and affects both men and women.


Changes in hormone levels, such as those that occur during pregnancy, delivery, menopause, or hormonal imbalances such as thyroid issues, can result in hair loss.


A number of medicines, including antidepressants, blood thinners, chemotherapy drugs, and acne medications, can result in hair loss.

Autoimmune diseases

Diseases like alopecia areata where the immune system destroys hair follicles are a cause of hair loss.

Nutritional deficiencies

Hair loss can be brought on by a deficiency in vitamins and minerals like iron, zinc, and biotin.

Physical trauma

Damage to the scalp from burns, wounds, or operations can result in hair loss.


Certain hairdos, such as tight weaves, braids, or ponytails, might cause hair loss.

What is the best hair loss treatment?

For many people, losing their hair can be a stressful and upsetting process. Although there is no proven strategy to stop hair loss or promote hair growth, the following tips might be useful.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet

A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein is necessary for the growth of strong, healthy hair. Fish, almonds, and leafy greens are all excellent choices.

Avoid tight hairstyles

These can stress your hair, which can result in breakage and hair loss. Examples of tight hairstyles include braids and ponytails. Try to avoid wearing these styles or do so less frequently.

Use gentle hair loss treatment products

Harsh shampoos and conditioners can damage your hair by robbing it of its natural oils. Make use of moderate hair care items designed for your hair type.

Be gentle when styling

To avoid breaking your hair, be gentle when brushing or styling it. Straighteners and curling irons are examples of heated styling appliances that should be avoided since they can damage your hair.

hair loss treatment in solihull

Control stress

As stress can cause hair loss, it’s critical to discover ways to handle it. Try yoga or meditation as a way to unwind.

Contact a medical expert for hair loss treatment

Balding could indicate a serious underlying medical condition. Speak with a healthcare expert to rule out any medical condition.

Consider topical treatments

Topical treatments like minoxidil and finasteride may aid promote hair growth in some individuals. However, these treatments should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Consider hair transplantation

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that involves transplanting hair follicles from one area of the scalp to another. This procedure can be an effective option for some people with hair loss.

What are the impact of stress and hormonal changes on hair health?

Hair health can be significantly impacted by stress and hormonal changes. The following are some ways in which these elements may impact the condition of your hair.


Your body releases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline when you’re under stress, and these substances can damage your hair. For instance, stress can result in hair breakage, thinning, and loss. This is due to the fact that stress can alter the regular cycle of hair development and cause more hair to enter the resting phase, which results in shedding.

Hormonal changes

The condition of your hair might also be impacted by hormonal changes. For instance, a drop in oestrogen levels after menopause causes hair thinning and hair loss in many women. Similar to this, a hormonal imbalance in disorders like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can result in excessive hair growth on the face and body while simultaneously causing hair loss on the scalp.

The benefits of natural and medicinal solutions for hair loss

While there are various hair loss treatments available, there are several advantages to using natural and medical treatments, including:

Less chance of adverse effects

Natural and medical remedies are frequently less likely to have negative effects, making them a viable choice for people who are worried about the risks connected with prescription medications.

Improved hair health

Your hair can be strengthened, shinier, and more damage-resistant with the use of natural remedies like essential oils and herbal cures.

Lower cost

Natural and medicinal treatments for hair loss are frequently more affordable than prescription options.

Convenient and easy to use

Several at-home hair loss treatments are available and simple to incorporate into your regular routine.

hair loss treatment in solihull

Where can I get hair loss treatment in Solihull?

Get in touch with Halo Pharmacy for more information about hair loss treatment in Solihull.

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This blog post was written on behalf of Halo Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.